Welcome back to the David Dorer Show.This week’s show was prerecorded so me and my panelists can participate in the Glow-Run 5K to benefit alternative courts in Bibb County. Come run with us!
You can listen to the show via Spreaker by playing the media player below.This week’s episode is the “When You Talk About Destruction” Edition.
My panelists and I discuss The Baltimore riots in response to the death of Freddie Gray while he was in police custody, we discuss the Supreme Court Oral Arguments on same sex marriage this week, and we briefly mention Bernie Sanders’ Presidential Nomination announcement.
My Panelists this week include T-Bone (@TboneAfterDark) and Mr. Bunker (@RSBUNKER) , as well as your input on the Anytime Attorney line: 478-227-3879. Tune in live at 6PM Eastern Time, but the show is also never over on playback!
Follow me at @DavidTDorer, listen to the show on Stitcher, & subscribe on iTunes.