On this day in 1865, two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation, slavery was abolished in Texas. Further, all slaves throughout the Confederate South were emancipated on this day, and it is now a State holiday in forty-five states, although it should be a nationwide holiday. It’s called Juneteenth. Juneteenth is officially a celebration …
Continue reading Juneteenth | Dorer Daily – daviddorer.comvoting rights act
On this day in 1964 the United States passed the 24th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution making it illegal to impose poll taxes at the voting booth. A year later Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would push President Lyndon B. Johnson to pass the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Two years ago the United States …
Continue reading The 24th Amendment and “Alternative Facts” – Dorer DailyIn this Episode, I am overjoyed to have Photo Ops (@photoopsmusic) and Foe Destroyer (@foedestroyer) for the first ever Power Chords and High Courts edition of the show. My panel, E (@redecritique), Andy Lipscomb (@alipscomb25), and T-Bone (@tboneafterdark) discuss Shelby v. Holder, Hollingsworth v. Perry, and BLAG v. Windsor. Follow me at @DavidTDorer. We are now available …
Continue reading The David Dorer Show — Power Chords and High Courts