Welcome back to the David Dorer Show. You can listen to this show live at 6PM by using the spreaker player application below. Once the show starts, it will automatically update.
Today’s episode is the By the People Edition. We will discuss whether, despite claims of intending to “drain the swamp”, the Trump Administration intends to actually listen to the will of the people when making policy decisions.
First, despite 57% disapproval of the President’s current plans on illegal immigration, the administration announced this week announced new rules that permit the deportation of any entrant without inspection, regardless of their criminal background. This, of course, stands in direct contrast to the rhetoric from the campaign trail, which we’ve gone over as being totally unreliable punditry from a politician who’s willing to lie to get elected.
Second, we will discuss the new head of the EPA, Scott Pruitt, who appears to put the interests of the oil and gas industry above the interests of his constituents in Oklahoma, according to 7,500 emails released from his office this week as a result of a court ordered open record request. We will discuss whether the oil and gas industry having the head of the EPA in their back pocket is at all imprudent.
Lastly, from Tom Cotton in Arkansas to David Perdue right here in Georgia, Senators seem to relentlessly disregard the will of the people with regard to the repeal of the Affordable Care Act: an action that blustering Senate Republicans promised to do for the better part of a decade and yet appear to perpetually drag their feet from one postponed deadline to the next.
My panel this week includes T-Bone (@tboneafterdark) and Mr. Bunker (@RSBUNKER). We will have the news, Blogger Fodder, and more.
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