Welcome back to the David Dorer Show. Today’s episode is the State of the Union Edition, where me and my panelists will discuss President Obama’s last State of the Union, the issues he raised, the GOP response, and how this has affected the current race for the White House in 2016. We also have the …
Continue reading David Dorer Show – State of the Union 2016economy
Every year, the State of the Union is my favorite speech — I make New Years Resolutions for myself, set goals for the year, and ambition to do better, at all that I do, than the year before; and, I think it is only prudent that our government be just as goal-motivated. The problem …
Continue reading 2015 State of the Union (no clapping)Welcome back to the David Dorer Show! This week is the “Neutrality – The Net, Politics, and the Media” Edition where we will discuss the overwhelming vote by the EU in favor of Net Neutrality, the consequences of the McCutheon v. FEC Decision, and the varied ways in which the media reports the new job numbers. …
Continue reading David Dorer Show: Neutrality – The Net, Politics, and the MediaWelcome back to the David Dorer Show!This week is the “A Pen, a Phone, and an Investigative Agency” Edition where we will discuss President Obama’s rule change to overtime pay and the FLSA, the looming “success deadline” for the Affordable Care Act, and the CIA’s “spying” on the Senate. As always, there will be jokes, blogger …
Continue reading David Dorer Show: A Pen, a Phone, and an Investigative Agency EditionOn Tuesday, the President delivered his fifth State of the Union Address, and the David Dorer Show is going to tackle it issue by issue. My panel includes Nevada Trial Lawyer Michael Nixon, Georgia Public Defender Jimmy Kurhajian, and T-Bone (as if you don’t know him already). The format will be more free-form, as …
Continue reading David Dorer Show – the State of the UnionListen Live at 6PM TODAY! CALL IN 478-227-3879! This week is all about the unintended consequences of government policies. We have a lot of news to cover since I took last week off to help The Blue Indian cover the Mountain Oasis Music Festival in Asheville, North Carolina. My panel (T-Bone, Mr. Bunker, and Jimbo Armenia) and …
Continue reading The David Dorer Show – Unintended Consequences EditionListen Live at 6PM TODAY! CALL IN 478-227-3879! This week, we have resident David Dorer Show financial analyst Helmet Smith to discuss BlackBerry’s stock going private. Then, my panel (T-Bone, Jimbo, and Andrew) will discuss the Obamacare, Fiscal Cliff 2: The Electric Boogaloo, and Ted Cruz’s “Filibuster. Follow me at @DavidTDorer, listen to the show on Stitcher, & subscribe on iTunes.
Continue reading David Dorer Show – Canadians Against ObamacareWe return from a short vacation from The David Dorer Show with criminal defense strategies in the Zimmerman trial with criminal defense attorney T-Bone (@tboneafterdark), we discuss tax and economic policy with the twitterless Macon tax attorney Craig Cooper, Will America (@restoreliberty) provides a libertarian prospective, and I congratulate the city council of DC for …
Continue reading The David Dorer Show, July 12th, 2013