Welcome back to the David Dorer Show. You can listen to this show live at 6PM by using the spreaker player application below. Once the show starts, it will automatically update. This week’s episode is the “Not as Single Spies” Edition. This is based on a quote from Hamlet: When sorrows come, they come …
Continue reading …Not as Single Spies…. EditionWelcome back to the David Dorer Show! After a longer-than-usual break (wedding season, it’s totally justifiable) we are back with the Trump: Sued by All, Endorsed by Trump Edition. You can listen to this show live at 6PM by using the spreaker player application below. Once the show starts, it will automatically update. On today’s …
Continue reading Trump: Sued by All, Endorsed by Paul EditionLois Lerner, key player in the IRS scandal regarding alleged targeting of political 501(c)(4) groups claimed this week in congressional hearings that a computer crash caused the loss of emails between the Obama Administration and the IRS department responsible for reviewing 501(c)(4) statuses. While this investigation proceeds, a couple of questions come to mind. …
Continue reading Computer Crash Ate Lois Lerner’s Emails