Lois Lerner, key player in the IRS scandal regarding alleged targeting of political 501(c)(4) groups claimed this week in congressional hearings that a computer crash caused the loss of emails between the Obama Administration and the IRS department responsible for reviewing 501(c)(4) statuses. While this investigation proceeds, a couple of questions come to mind. …
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I called into the Herman Cain Show today to explain why he doesn’t understand tax law. Here’s the audio link. His argument is, essentially, that if businesses were taxed less and there were less regulations, then they could make more jobs. In actuality, the law says that expenses of compliance with regulation and wages paid to …
Continue reading David’s Political RoundUp 1/21/2014 – the David Dorer Show on the Cain-Train.Listen Live at 6PM TODAY! CALL IN at 478-227-3879! This week is the “Handshake Heard Round the World” Edition. It’s all about compromises and civility. It should be a bloodbath! My panel this week is T-Bone (@tboneafterdark), Mr. Bunker (@rsbunker), and Anderson Lipscomb (@ALipscomb25). Call in, tweet us your comments (#DavidDorerShow) or hit me up …
Continue reading The David Dorer Show – The Handshake Heard Round the WorldTrump sued Maher this week. The complaint arises out of Maher demanding that Trump prove his mother isn’t an orangutan. This of course, to sensible people, is a mockery or parody of Trump’s “birther” argument. It’s a silly battle between comedians, whether or not Trump is willing to admit he’s a clown. Ridiculousness of the …
Continue reading Trump Should Fire Lawyer For Suit Against Maher