Live in the studio, Travis, of tboneAfterDark, and by phone, Will, of restoreLIBERTY debate the issue of the Benghazi investigations. On September 11, 2012, the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya was attacked by between 120 and 150 armed persons. A raid then lasted for nearly 6 hours, at the end of which the building was burned, and a …
Continue reading David Dorer Show Preview — May 17th, Benghazi Lincoln Douglass DebateBlog
Conservatives are upset following the admission of IRS Commissioner Steve Miller that the department intentionally targeted businesses with “Tea Party” or “Patriot” in their name during the 2012 tax year. Marco Rubio even called for Miller’s resignation. The President apologized for the conduct of the administration, sort of. And, of course, Mark Levin is taking credit …
Continue reading IRS Targets Tea Party — Or… Does Its Job.Farmers rights are a huge deal to me. My family owns a farm in Tennessee. I’m no farmer, that’s certain. But you need to know a little about farming to understand this piece. Farmers buy seeds. Farmers plant seeds. Seeds grow into plants. Plants naturally produce seeds. Got it? A common practice for farmers is …
Continue reading Goliath Stomps American Farmer, Again.Many people that come into our office say they have “full coverage” for their vehicle, and often times only have coverage that pays for property damage or personal injury in the event of their own fault. This guide explains what the different types of available automobile coverage are in Georgia. 1Bodily Injury Liability Bodily …
Continue reading What your Insurance Coverage MeansThe news is once again a flutter with the George Zimmerman murder case for the shooting of Trayvon Martin last February. What once was prematurely characterized by the left-wing media as a hate crime and the right-wing media as the justifiable vigilante conduct of a devout second-amendment-er is now merely a run-of-the-mill over-publicized murder trial that …
Continue reading Zimmerman Can’t Stand His Ground With “Stand Your Ground”AP is reporting today that the Senate rejected expanded background checks, ostensibly making the pushes for gun control regulations following Sandy Hook dead. I was under the impression that in the early 90’s the NRA supported universal background checks. Apparently, those facts were skewed by Joe Biden. I did a little research on the Republican platform on Gun …
Continue reading The Law that Killed Gun Control Protects Abortion RightsBefore oral argument started for Hollingsworth v. Perry yesterday, the Supreme Court handed down it’s decision in Florida v. Jardines. The crux of the decision is this: a warrant is required when law enforcement use drug-sniffing dogs on a citizen’s property. The true question before the court was whether or not a “dog sniff” obtained by …
Continue reading Warrant Required for Drug-Sniffing DogLanguage is what bogs down our country’s people’s road to freedom, liberty, and uniform rights. This is why “separate but equal” was the law of the land until 1954 when it was declared “inherently unequal.” The law that African Americans used to achieve their accomplishments in the civil rights movement is the same law that …
Continue reading An Argument of Language – Hollingsworth v. Perry, SCOTUS and Gay MarriageToday the Supreme Court heard two oral arguments. One, Bowman v. Monsanto, I covered last week. The other, Millbrook v. U.S. was argued this morning and is about whether the Federal government waives sovereign immunity for intentional torts committed by security guards. Millbrook was an inmate at Lewisberg Federal Prison. While incarcerated, Millbrook alleged in a complaint that he …
Continue reading Police Brutality and the Supreme Court, Oral Argument over Oral SexIn January, the Supreme Court ruled that Superior Court Judges cannot issue wiretap warrants outside their respective judicial circuits. The General Assembly, as they are want to do, are attempting to circumvent the ruling of the Supreme Court by legislative action. Yesterday the Georgia House of Representatives voted on House Bill 55. By 48 to …
Continue reading Hide Your Secrets From Yourself – Georgia General Assembly Broadens Scope of Wiretapping