On Today’s Dorer Daily, I riff on the May 16 Notification, a declaration by communist leader Mao Zedong that there were people within the Communist Party whom were “waiving the red flag to oppose the red flag” (a criticism that the GOP seems to have for their new “leader” Trump). The news of the day …
Continue reading May 16 Notification and The Trump in GOP ClothesBlog
With the uncorrupted version of those words, Coleridge ushered in modern poetry and started British Romanticism. I’m not sure what the droughts in Brazil and the American Southwest will usher in, but I hope that these droughts will cause our federal government to emplace a life-sustaining resource policy with a broad impact…. I’ve mentioned before that humans …
Continue reading Water, Water, Nowhere, Steal a Drop to DrinkSheriff Joey Terrell, the Sheriff who laughed about a baby that was maimed in a flubbed no-knock warrant raid in Habersham County last year, was recently shot in the line of duty by a former police officer. Back in February, Free Thought Project reports “Sheriff Terrell and Deputy William Zigan were dispatched to a domestic disturbance that …
Continue reading Flashbang Sheriff: Shot by Former CopThere are, in the physical universe the we occupy, certain things the government needs to show with evidence in order for the government to properly bring a case to the Foreign Intelligence Service Act court, the FISA court. The FISA court is the one that Snowden brought to light, and is where the NSA is granted secret …
Continue reading Hey Rule of Law, Say Hello To My Little FriendJunior Florida Senator Marco Rubio, a member of the gang of 8 who proposed an immigration bill I personally think is fantastic, announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for President in 2016. I personally disagree with how easy Senator Rubio is swayed by tea party politics, and prefer is centrist views on immigration …
Continue reading Marco Rubio Announces Presidential BidIn the cheating scandal to end all cheating scandals, 11/12 teachers and administrators we’re found guilty by a jury and we’re given an opportunity by Fulton County Superior Court Judge Baxter to negotiate a joint recommendation for sentencing with the District Attorney’s office. Ultimately, only 1, Donald Bullock, took the Judge’s grace, and received a sentence …
Continue reading Atlanta Public School Cheating Scandal SentencingThe long awaited moment has arrived! Hillary Clinton has announced her intention to run for the Democratic nomination for President in 2016, making her the first Democrat to announce her candidacy, and, in all honesty, finally making conservative criticisms of her policy-making as Secretary of State relevant. I have said for months now that …
Continue reading Hillary Clinton announces Presidential BidBetween Michael Brown, Eric Gardner, Kelly Thomas, if you’re getting a little tired of hearing about law enforcement officers causing serious pain and ultimate death to citizens without facing harsh consequences, the officer in the video below, shown gunning down Walter Scott in North Charleston, South Carolina, will not be another added to that long, …
Continue reading Walter Scott: Gunned Down; Officer ArrestedKentucky’s junior Senator announced today that he will seek the GOP nomination for president. Follow me at @DavidTDorer, listen to the David Dorer Show live every Friday (Available on iTunes and on Stitcher). Also, make sure to check out Talking Law with David Dorer every Wednesday. (Available on iTunes and on Stitcher).
Continue reading Rand Paul Announces Presidential Bid“Financial markets in the United States are the largest and most liquid in the world.” Which makes sense. After becoming back-to-back World War Champs, America set up the system of international finance that endures to this day. Except that we’re no longer on the gold standard (this is an argument for another piece). You would think …
Continue reading We’re too big to fail, so you’re too small for us to care