Looking forward to Bragg Jam 2013 next week, me and my panel discuss the issues of this week in this episode of The David Dorer Show. T-Bone (@tboneafterdark), R. Bunker (@RSBUNKER), and Adam Younker (@ayounker, moneyandfreedomlaw.com), discuss the aftermath of the Zimmerman verdict, Detroit’s recent bankruptcy filing, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s alleged glamorization by Rolling Stone, and …
Continue reading The David Dorer Show, July 19th, 2013law
After years of trying to work its way out of its $18 Billion deficit, the appointment of an Emergency Operator, bailouts of the automobile industry. and pleas by the Republican Presidential Nominee to let Motown go bankrupt, as of this afternoon, the City of Detroit has declared bankruptcy. Kevyn Orr, Emergency Operator for Motown, has …
Continue reading Detroit Goes BankruptGiven the recent public outrage and demonstrations across the country in response to the verdict in the George Zimmerman trial for the murder of Trayvon Martin, criticisms of the DOJ for investigations into possible hate crimes, and escalating tensions over race and justice in America, several folks stepped up to try and make a difference …
Continue reading Talking Law — Delayed for #MPact Event in Macon, GeorgiaWhile there has been an outcry from conservatives about Attorney Eric Holder investigating possible hate crimes in the death of Trayvon Martin at the hands of George Zimmerman, and at his appearing at a NNACP convention, I was surprised at the lack of media coverage on everything else the Department of Justice is doing. Just …
Continue reading The DOJ Does More Than Pander to the MediaIn this episode, Travis Griffin (@tboneafterdark), a Georgia-licensed criminal defense attorney, joins me (@DavidTDorer) to discuss the George Zimmerman trial defense strategies, and we answer criminal, personal injury, and even bankruptcy law questions from avvo.com. Make sure to subscribe on iTunes, listen on Stitcher. Tune in to The David Dorer Show this Friday. Talking Law With David Dorer is …
Continue reading Talking Law With David Dorer, July 10th, 2013Welcome back to Talking Law with David Dorer. In this episode I want to discuss bankruptcy as a business move and not just something for broke people to do. Bankruptcy is a common strategy for corporations and individuals whom are insolvent, even though the Bankruptcy Code does not mention the word “insolvency” at all. Insolvency …
Continue reading Talking Law with David Dorer, Bankruptcy is a Business MoveIn this Episode, I am overjoyed to have Photo Ops (@photoopsmusic) and Foe Destroyer (@foedestroyer) for the first ever Power Chords and High Courts edition of the show. My panel, E (@redecritique), Andy Lipscomb (@alipscomb25), and T-Bone (@tboneafterdark) discuss Shelby v. Holder, Hollingsworth v. Perry, and BLAG v. Windsor. Follow me at @DavidTDorer. We are now available …
Continue reading The David Dorer Show — Power Chords and High CourtsIn this episode, I’m joined by Hank Honduras (@HankHonduras), Mr. Bunker (@RSBunker), and Anderson Lipscomb (@andersonlipscomb) and we talk about invasions of privacy, obstructionism in congress, gun control, immigration and the power of the American family. Follow me at @DavidTDorer We are now available on Stitcher. You can always subscribe on iTunes.
Continue reading The David Dorer Show, June 21st, 2013In this episode, Travis Griffin (@tboneafterdark) and I discuss the recent Salinas v. Texas opinion and we answer questions about personal injury law, car wrecks, and trucking accidents. Make sure to subscribe on iTunes. Tune in this Friday for The David Dorer Show.
Continue reading Talking Law with David Dorer, June 19th, 2013In this episode, I’m joined by T-Bone (@tboneafterdark), Radford, and Andrew (@redclaytees). We discuss Ed Snowden, the NSA, Sean Hannity’s flip flopping, Syria, Iraq, China, Immigration, and Ted Cruz’s idea of “tax reform.” Follow me at @DavidTDorer We are now available on Stitcher. You can always subscribe on iTunes. (note this picture is recycled. Our photographer Jimmy decided …
Continue reading The David Dorer Show, June 14th, 2013