Congress is out for 54 days so that representatives can head back to their home states and politic for reelection in November. They won’t be back before these elections have passed. Almost immediately after this was announced, Attorney General Eric Holder resigned. On top of that, key members of congress have balked at the President’s …
Continue reading Did Obama Just Play Congress?Syria
Welcome back to the David Dorer Show Listen live to the show via Spreaker by playing the media player below. This week’s episode is the “The More Things Change” Edition where we will discuss the President’s Decision to authorize airstrikes against Syria to curb the progress of ISIS, Ray Rice’s indefinite suspension following the release of him …
Continue reading The David Dorer Show – The More Things Change EditionPresident Obama, on this eve of the 13th Anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, has authorized US airstrikes in Syria in order to curb the progress of ISIS in Iraq and Syria. I find this disheartening, and feel like if we continue to be reactionary, and continue to resort to …
Continue reading Obama approves US airstrikes in SyriaThis week’s episode of the David Dorer Show is about the man behind the curtain, the puller of the strings in recent political events. Specifically, Obamacare’s surprising effect on specific companies’ stock value, political upheaval in Ukraine and Syria (and how Russia is really running things), and Iran’s nuclear initiatives being less than forthright. Additional reading below. …
Continue reading David Dorer Show: Who Pulls the Strings? EditionU.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has withdrawn its invitation to Iran to participate in the Syria peace talks due in part to heavy opposition from the United States. If we were consistent on our policies with Iran, then we could make serious strides to resolution of some serious issues in that region. Alas, we bicker like …
Continue reading David’s Political RoundUp 1/20/2014 – UN pulls Iran from Syria Peace Talks, Omaha Explosion, Sochi Bombers, and Obama on Marijuana.Listen Live at 6PM TODAY! CALL IN 478-227-3879! This week, we have resident David Dorer Show financial analyst Helmet Smith to discuss the Twitter initial public offering. Then, my panel (Mr. Bunker, Jimbo, and E) will discuss the 12th Anniversary of the September 11th attacks, the ongoing issues in Syria and the op ed of “Pooty …
Continue reading David Dorer Show – A Hot Cold WarListen Live at 6PM TODAY! CALL IN 478-227-3879! This week, I am pleased to have the expert input from Environmental Scientist and advocate for alternative fuel sources James Kane of United Mountain Defense to discuss the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster and the scientific implications regarding recent developments in the failed clean up efforts. Then, my panel …
Continue reading The David Doer Show – A Red Line in the Sand?In this episode, I’m joined by T-Bone (@tboneafterdark), Radford, and Andrew (@redclaytees). We discuss Ed Snowden, the NSA, Sean Hannity’s flip flopping, Syria, Iraq, China, Immigration, and Ted Cruz’s idea of “tax reform.” Follow me at @DavidTDorer We are now available on Stitcher. You can always subscribe on iTunes. (note this picture is recycled. Our photographer Jimmy decided …
Continue reading The David Dorer Show, June 14th, 2013