Since the twin towers well fell, there has been talk of unseating the US dollar as the reserve currency. With the election of Syriza, a far-left populist party led by Alexis Tsipras, and Mr Tsipras’ swearing in as prime minister,the Euro as a currency is a tenuous proposition. China has managed to furl the …
Continue reading Knolan’s Knonsense – Regulate the RegulatorsBlog
In one of the most ridiculous power-plays by local government I’ve seen in a long time, Police are encouraging Google, owner of the app Waze, to discontinue its cop tracker function of the map app, for fear that it could result in the targeting and harming of police officers. The problem with this is …
Continue reading Police Ask Google To Turn Off Cop Tracking in WazeIn a very strange twist of legal procedures, a stay of Charles Warner’s Oklahoma execution was not granted by the Supreme Court last week; however, his case has been accepted on certiorari to determine whether the lethal injection procedures used in Oklahoma constitute “cruel and unusual punishment.” According to Supreme Court procedures, a stay …
Continue reading Supreme Court: No Stay of Execution, Set to Hear CaseA week ago today, Brad Knudson posted the YouTube video embedded below in response to a bullying incident where two twin boys in his Minnesota home town bullied his adopted, African-American daughter via a series of offensive and racist SnaptChat Videos. The bullies sent four videos, he saved on by videotaping it. The video, …
Continue reading Father of Snapchat Bullies Loses his JobHere is a great video. It gets really great right about 18 minutes in. Here’s the context. Mr. Baca was convicted of murder in a California state court in large part due to the “jailhouse snitch” testimony of a Mr. Melendez. Melendez was prosecuted earlier for a separate crime by Deputy District Attorney Robert …
Continue reading 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rips Lying ProsecutorsIn the most aggressive criminal motion I have ever seen in my life, (and I’ve challenged the constitutionality of the move over law in traffic courts), a criminal defendant in California is challenging the constitutionality of the scheduling of marijuana as a schedule I narcotic. A hearing was held on the motion, which is …
Continue reading Hearing on Schedule Classification of MarijuanaWikiLeaks, and oh who am I kidding. Unless you haven’t had access to the internet since 2006, you already have an opinion on WikiLeaks, Assange, and the PFC formerly known as Bradley Manning. Which is important for what this filing is about. Once we form opinions, we generally don’t question ourselves. This is a …
Continue reading Knolan’s Knonsense – The Trans-Pacific PartnershipEvery year, the State of the Union is my favorite speech — I make New Years Resolutions for myself, set goals for the year, and ambition to do better, at all that I do, than the year before; and, I think it is only prudent that our government be just as goal-motivated. The problem …
Continue reading 2015 State of the Union (no clapping)American Sniper has sparked a lot of controversy from Hollywood in the past few days. Clint Eastwood’s take on the Chris Kyle Book raked in more money than Avatar did on its January opening, closing out at more than $100 Million. But, as can be expected, Michael Moore chimed in opposing the film, Sarah …
Continue reading American Sniper, Defamation, and PatriotismProtesters in Atlanta Georgia are actively blocking the Martin Luther King Jr. Day March, seemingly opposed to the current state of affairs between law enforcement and communities of color. Protesters in Atlanta, although removed geographically from the circumstances in Ferguson, MO and Staten Island by thousands of miles, have indicated a swell of unity and support …
Continue reading Protesters Block MLK March in Atlanta