Demand for oil grew has recently grown at the slowest rate since 2009, to 92.7m bbl/day, half of the increase projected. Oil prices per barrel fall to four year low of $83.37 at the London MEX, and a two year low of $80.01 at the New York MEX. Things have gotten weird. OPEC upped …
Continue reading Knolan’s Knonsense – The Art of Oil Warputin
Given the situation in the Ukraine and Russia, and the recent shooting down of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 by Ukrainian Separatists in the Western portion of the country, many world leaders are addressing how it is that we need to handle this situation before tensions result in a regional or global war. The President …
Continue reading Proposed Solutions for the Ukraine/Russia Crisis?This week’s episode of the David Dorer Show is about the man behind the curtain, the puller of the strings in recent political events. Specifically, Obamacare’s surprising effect on specific companies’ stock value, political upheaval in Ukraine and Syria (and how Russia is really running things), and Iran’s nuclear initiatives being less than forthright. Additional reading below. …
Continue reading David Dorer Show: Who Pulls the Strings? EditionListen Live at 6PM TODAY! CALL IN 478-227-3879! This week, we have resident David Dorer Show financial analyst Helmet Smith to discuss the Twitter initial public offering. Then, my panel (Mr. Bunker, Jimbo, and E) will discuss the 12th Anniversary of the September 11th attacks, the ongoing issues in Syria and the op ed of “Pooty …
Continue reading David Dorer Show – A Hot Cold War