Welcome back to the David Dorer Show!This week is the “Irresistible Force Meets the Immovable Object” Edition where we will discuss the stalemate which ensues when hard heads clash: Specifically, Lois Lerner testifying on the “IRS Scandal” this week, escalating hostilities between the Ukraine, Crimea, and Russia, and the Savannah port dredging project. My panelists …
Continue reading David Dorer Show: “The Irresistible Force Meets the Immovable Object” Editionnuclear
This week’s episode of the David Dorer Show is about the man behind the curtain, the puller of the strings in recent political events. Specifically, Obamacare’s surprising effect on specific companies’ stock value, political upheaval in Ukraine and Syria (and how Russia is really running things), and Iran’s nuclear initiatives being less than forthright. Additional reading below. …
Continue reading David Dorer Show: Who Pulls the Strings? EditionListen Live at 6PM TODAY! CALL IN at 478-227-3879! This week is the “Handshake Heard Round the World” Edition. It’s all about compromises and civility. It should be a bloodbath! My panel this week is T-Bone (@tboneafterdark), Mr. Bunker (@rsbunker), and Anderson Lipscomb (@ALipscomb25). Call in, tweet us your comments (#DavidDorerShow) or hit me up …
Continue reading The David Dorer Show – The Handshake Heard Round the WorldListen Live at 6PM TODAY! CALL IN 478-227-3879! Last week was the holidays, so this week we have to deliver the goods! My panel this week is T-Bone (@tboneafterdark), Mr. Bunker (@rsbunker), and Jimbo (@raginkurhajian). Unfortunately, there isn’t really a way to tie this week’s top news stories together in one succinct theme; therefore, I played …
Continue reading David Dorer Show: The “Nuclear Freedom of Mandela” Edition.Listen Live at 6PM TODAY! CALL IN 478-227-3879! This week, I am pleased to have the expert input from Environmental Scientist and advocate for alternative fuel sources James Kane of United Mountain Defense to discuss the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster and the scientific implications regarding recent developments in the failed clean up efforts. Then, my panel …
Continue reading The David Doer Show – A Red Line in the Sand?