Welcome back to the David Dorer Show!This week is the “A Pen, a Phone, and an Investigative Agency” Edition where we will discuss President Obama’s rule change to overtime pay and the FLSA, the looming “success deadline” for the Affordable Care Act, and the CIA’s “spying” on the Senate. As always, there will be jokes, blogger …
Continue reading David Dorer Show: A Pen, a Phone, and an Investigative Agency Editionanswers
Welcome back to the David Dorer Show!This week is the “Irresistible Force Meets the Immovable Object” Edition where we will discuss the stalemate which ensues when hard heads clash: Specifically, Lois Lerner testifying on the “IRS Scandal” this week, escalating hostilities between the Ukraine, Crimea, and Russia, and the Savannah port dredging project. My panelists …
Continue reading David Dorer Show: “The Irresistible Force Meets the Immovable Object” EditionWelcome back to the David Dorer Show! This week my panelists and I discuss recent proposed legislation in the Georgia General Assembly. My panelists this week include John Buckner (@JGigBuckner), an attorney with the Democratic Party of Georgia, T-Bone (@tboneafterkdark), a Middle-Georgia criminal defense attorney, and Anderson Lipscomb (@alipscomb25), a legislative strategist with the …
Continue reading David Dorer Show: Georgia General Assembly 2014 EditionWelcome back to Talking Law! Today I will discuss the invalidation of the gay marriage ban in Texas and the widely expanded rights of the police to search your home. Also, as I always do with this show, I’ll be answering questions off of avvo.com on civil law suits. Call in at 6:00 p.m. to get …
Continue reading Talking Law: The Ebb and Flow of Liberty – Gay Marriage Bans Invalidated; Search of Homes Eviscerated.This week’s episode of the David Dorer Show is about the man behind the curtain, the puller of the strings in recent political events. Specifically, Obamacare’s surprising effect on specific companies’ stock value, political upheaval in Ukraine and Syria (and how Russia is really running things), and Iran’s nuclear initiatives being less than forthright. Additional reading below. …
Continue reading David Dorer Show: Who Pulls the Strings? EditionWelcome back to Talking Law! Today I will discuss the failed union vote in Chattanooga’s Volkswagen plant and the Confederate Flag on new specialty license plates in Georgia. Also, as I always do with this show, I’ll be answering questions off of avvo.com on civil law suits. Call in at 6:00 p.m. to get your legal …
Continue reading Talking Law – Free Speech – Unions and License PlatesThis week’s episode of the David Dorer Show tackles the debates of the week which seem, in and of themselves, to be debates more about which facts do you believe as opposed to which policy is the right one. Namely, “the CBO Report” debate, the “Evolution vs. Creationism” debate, and the “Security in Sochi” debate. Further reading …
Continue reading David Dorer Show – Debating the Facts EditionI haven’t posted or done any shows in the last couple of days because we suffered quite a blow in the State of Georgia Tuesday Night: THE BLIZZARD TO END ALL BLIZZARDS. Check this out: It was beautiful in Macon, clearly, but the view was pretty treturous in Atlanta. In fact, in a …
Continue reading Political RoundUp: 1/30/2014 – Governor Deal Takes Blame for ATLAntarctica, House on Immigration, and Obama on State of the UnionToday’s political roundup is all about the DOJ and recent announcements or ongoing prosecutions. Note: there will be no David Dorer Show tomorrow. I’m sorry, I am headed out of town to Nashville first thing in the morning. Attorney General Eric Holder said that his office would be open to a plea deal with Edward …
Continue reading Politcal RoundUp 1/23/2014 – DOJ & Snowden, Hunter Moore, and McDonnellU.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has withdrawn its invitation to Iran to participate in the Syria peace talks due in part to heavy opposition from the United States. If we were consistent on our policies with Iran, then we could make serious strides to resolution of some serious issues in that region. Alas, we bicker like …
Continue reading David’s Political RoundUp 1/20/2014 – UN pulls Iran from Syria Peace Talks, Omaha Explosion, Sochi Bombers, and Obama on Marijuana.