U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has withdrawn its invitation to Iran to participate in the Syria peace talks due in part to heavy opposition from the United States. If we were consistent on our policies with Iran, then we could make serious strides to resolution of some serious issues in that region. Alas, we bicker like …
Continue reading David’s Political RoundUp 1/20/2014 – UN pulls Iran from Syria Peace Talks, Omaha Explosion, Sochi Bombers, and Obama on Marijuana.Republican
Listen Live at 6PM TODAY! CALL IN at 478-227-3879! Tonight is the “Ra Ra Read My Sign” Edition of the David Dorer Show. Our show will start of with special guest, Environmental Scientist and Advocate James Kane (@MountainDefense) enlightening us on the science behind the Duke University fracking tests in Texas that discovered dangerous levels …
Continue reading David Dorer Show – “Ra Ra Read My Sign” EditionA Senate Report on Benghazi was issued today indicating that the State Department made critical issues in the protection of the American Libyan consulate office in 2011. Conservatives are using it as an opportunity to sling mud at what they’ve decided is the Democratic leader for President in 2016, Hilary Clinton. Chris Christie’s top aides …
Continue reading David’s Political RoundUp 1/16/2014 – Benghazi, Chris Christie, and Gay Marriage in OklahomaYesterday news broke that Wal-Mart has been charged by the National Labor Relations Board for retaliating against its employees. The NLRB says Wal-Mart illegally fired, disciplined or threatened more than 60 employees in 14 states for participating in legally protected activities to complain about wages and working conditions at the nation’s largest retailer. Specifically, Wal-Mart …
Continue reading David’s Daily Docket 1/16/2014 – NLRB v. Wal-Mart and a Jurisdicational Hook from SCOTUS.Listen Live at 6PM TODAY! CALL IN at 478-227-3879! Next week we return to regular blog posts and bring back Talking Law with David Dorer. But, tonight is the Best Band Name Ever Edition of the David Dorer Show. T-Bone (@tboneafterdark), Mr. Bunker (@rsbunker), and Jimbo (@RaginKurhajian) will join me in reviewing the inspirations of …
Continue reading David Dorer Show – “Best Band Name Ever” Edition: BridgeGhazi, GatesGate, or War on Poverty and the Entitlements?Listen Live at 6PM TODAY! CALL IN at 478-227-3879! I hope everyone had a great holiday season and is ready for a New Year with a new David Dorer Show. T-Bone (@tboneafterdark), Mr. Bunker (@rsbunker), and Jimbo (@RaginKurhajian) are my panelists on this Wild West Edition, where we will discuss whether conservative political politics is …
Continue reading David Dorer Show – Wild West Edition – Losing the Culture War?Earlier this week, news sources reported that Target’s credit card processing system was hacked, whereby millions of debt and credit card accounts were potentially compromised. Today, Target issued a statement that as many as 40 million customers’ pin numbers may have been disclosed as well. This has sparked concern in many for sure. What happens …
Continue reading Target Credit Card Leak – Negligent Enablement of Imposter FraudListen Live at 6PM TODAY! CALL IN at 478-227-3879! This will be the last episode of the year! Our next episode will be January 3rd 2014. This week is a “Power Chords and High Courts” Edition. We will have live, in studio music, from WoolFolk and our panel: T-Bone(@tboneafterdark), Mr. Bunker (@rsbunker), Jimbo (@RaginKurhajian) and …
Continue reading David Dorer Show – Power Chords and High Courts Feat. WoolFolkListen Live at 6PM TODAY! CALL IN at 478-227-3879! This week is the “Handshake Heard Round the World” Edition. It’s all about compromises and civility. It should be a bloodbath! My panel this week is T-Bone (@tboneafterdark), Mr. Bunker (@rsbunker), and Anderson Lipscomb (@ALipscomb25). Call in, tweet us your comments (#DavidDorerShow) or hit me up …
Continue reading The David Dorer Show – The Handshake Heard Round the WorldListen Live at 6PM TODAY! CALL IN 478-227-3879! Last week was the holidays, so this week we have to deliver the goods! My panel this week is T-Bone (@tboneafterdark), Mr. Bunker (@rsbunker), and Jimbo (@raginkurhajian). Unfortunately, there isn’t really a way to tie this week’s top news stories together in one succinct theme; therefore, I played …
Continue reading David Dorer Show: The “Nuclear Freedom of Mandela” Edition.